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Maintain the 2021 Baccalaureate !

Maintain the 2021 Baccalaureate ! Pétition
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The Ministry of National Education
La pétition

The Ministry of National Education announced on Thursday, November 5, the measures taken to cope with covid-19 for the 2021 Baccalaureate. The validation of the Professional, technological and general baccalaureates, will be done by the notes of the continuous control except for the oral tests of French for the students of first general and technological.

-I totally disagree with the announcement made by the Minister of Education. By cancelling the E3C, the government is denying us the opportunity to have experience in the conduct of a real-life exam before moving on to higher education. 

-The baccalaureat of high school students will no longer have the same value as in the past. The number of people who drop out is much higher, which shows that the bin is no longer worth much. inversely proportional

-Disadvantages of higher education for high school students. This may put high school students at a disadvantage in the future during their part-time studies during their higher education for students who will take a selective orientation and who want to study abroad because they will still have no idea how to go about it to succeed in their part-time studies. For those who want to go abroad, they may not choose because of the decline in the value of the baccalaureate All this is due to a loss of competence

-Moreover, high school students always go to class. These classes are held in a room with students side by side. These same students are deprived of written tests which would take place under the same conditions as in the conduct of a class. It is unacceptable to cancel the written exam because students are no more at risk of COVID-19 contamination than they would be during a class.

-The lack of suspense. The exitation and suspense, that there was when the results were announced will miss.

If these decisions are maintained, there will be a negative impact on our future as a student because of the mismanagement of the actions taken by the Ministry of National

Education for the baccalaureate.We need you. We need your signature. We need your support. Please sign and share this petition to make the change !

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