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COPPA will destroy YouTube soon

COPPA will destroy YouTube soon Pétition
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All of the YouTube game
La pétition
The COPPA law, the law on the children's protection on the internet, will affect almost all creators.
If YouTube finds that your content is "child-friendly", it will make sure to "protect" them from people's hate ...
Comments and likes will be disabled on these videos. But the most important thing is that these videos will no longer include any ads targeting children.This will significantly reduce the number of ads per video and, at the same time, the pay of the creators.
We do not yet know the YouTube selection criteria. If they will do according to the published content or according to the audience of the channel. Indeed, some content could be considered as "for children" while more than 75% who watch these videos would not necessarily be children.
The worst part of all this is that the only one in fault is YouTube itself. By targeting children to put ads that interest them especially, they got caught and we are the ones who suffer the consequences ...
This petition is here to try to change things. We will not be able to cancel COPPA, but we can make it liveable for both creators and people who just want to relax in front of videos!
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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions sociales COPPA will destroy YouTube soon