AccueilPétitionsPétitions socialesClassrooms to be opened during revision week / Ouverture des salles de classe durant la semaine de révision
Classrooms to be opened during revision week / Ouverture des salles de classe durant la semaine de révision
Victoire de la pétition
68 signatures
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Auteur :
Auteur(s) :
Faustine Perez
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Destinataire(s) :
L'administration du campus de Reims de Sciences Po Paris
La pétition
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your signatures the administration heard us.
Classrooms are now opened to study !
Wishing you the best for revision week and finals.
To the administration of the Reims campus of Sciences Po Paris,
The library is full ! We are in revision week and the only space provided by the administration to work is the library with 372 seats out of more than 1000 students. Thus, security agents are asked to close the classrooms in which no classes are taking places even if the library is full meaning that there are no more spaces left to study or/and work.
How are we supposed to work on campus? Opening the classrooms would be an enormous gain of time and amazing opportunity for students. Also, it is not an hard task to open the classrooms to all.
We hope us the student that our wishes will be heard and that as soon as possible.
Victoire de la pétition
68 signatures
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Classrooms to be opened during revision week / Ouverture des salles de classe durant la semaine de révision