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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions nature et environnement Sign for the return of Ganges' glory

Sign for the return of Ganges' glory

Sign for the return of Ganges' glory Pétition
3 signatures
Plus que 7 signatures pour que ce combat soit visible sur MesOpinions.
Auteur :
Auteur(s) :
Long live the Ganges River
Destinataire(s) :
La pétition

The Ganges river is considered sacred in India. Every year, Indian population gather for the Kumbh Mela festival where they go in the river, believing it washes away their sins. Since they think the river is sacred and possess some kind of powers, they keep throwing human ashes and bodies into the river. Because of that and all the industrial activities, the Ganges is now very polluted, it has even become the most polluted river on Earth. Even Though the Indian president Modi invested 3 billion to clean the Ganges river, it is still very polluted by human activities. 

The situation is getting worse and highly dangerous for Indian people. With the appearance of coronavirus in 2020, the Kumbh Mela festival became the starting point of one of the biggest outbreaks of Covid-19 the world has ever seen. As if the pollution wasn’t enough harm to Indus, now this superspreader virus is putting India in a highly difficult situation. 

Now more than ever, India needs your help. It’s more than a problem going on, they are in a crisis. 

Please sign this petition and help us to make things change. 

3 signatures
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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions nature et environnement Sign for the return of Ganges' glory